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Whether you're a farmer looking for resources or someone curious about how their food is produced, Farm & Food Care PEI can help. Our projects, educational materials, links and resources are here for you.
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农家小福女- 第六百四十七章 偷莲蓬_糯米小说网:“去练爬墙。” “我伊不是有梯子吗,干嘛还要练爬墙?” 满宝道:“你是不是傻,本来就是要学会爬墙的,万一梯子被发现了,我伊也能跑,或是能再进去。梯子,只是解眼下的燃眉之急而已。” 白善道:“你还想着我每天都给你伊架梯子,移梯子啊,想得 ...
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For those helping Canadians connect with farmers.
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Food & farming events in your area.
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The Farm Animal Care Helpline, livestock emergency response training, handling resources and more.
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Programming on water and fertilizer management, soil health and more.
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The latest on Farm & Food Care Ontario initiatives.